Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Life Is A Dream, So What ?

All of us begin life believing sentient beings and the world are Real. For some of us who are lucky  we encounter teachings from all religeous fronts to question our core believe on reality. In the quest for reality, we uncover that the world and its inhabitants are mere illusion having the nature of dream.
   With this knowledge we tell the world that life is but a dream and yet we continue to identify with the illusionary dream character and believing in a doer. We have gained the knowledge that all is a dream, yet we behave no different from those who believe the world is real. The knowledge is not being applied. When applied it is called wisdom. This is just like a person who knew a fruit is poisonous and avoid eating it. What then can we label a person who knew the fruit is poison and still relish in eating it and wanting more.

Here is some of the benefits of KNOWing all is a dream. All dream objects although appear differently in the dream are in fact the same, illusionary and non existent. Having this wisdom one stop to discriminate based on appearance. We tame the sixth conciousness [intellect] by seeing its nature and not with suppression.
As the entire dream come from the ONE light of Awareness of the dreamer, we know there is no separation in the light though the images thrown by the lights appear to be many and separated. The waves are many and different and yet all have the nature of water ,no different from the Ocean and is One WHOLE with the ocean. This put an end to the believe in a self [individual] and others

Lastly all dreams arises from a dreamer and is witnessed by the dreamer. From this pointer we trace to That which witness and we reach the source, the dreamer of all dreams.

Knowing the world to be a mirage, why do we chase after it to qench our desire. It is like trying to quech our thirst drinking water which we knew is salted heavily

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