Sunday, August 18, 2013

Misperception of Religions

When it comes to religions, the most common remarks are, all religions are the same and it teaches us to be good.
  This statement is only partially correct in that All religions are the same, but the assertion that it teaches us to be good is misconceived. In which case what make all religions the same? There are all the same in that every religions irrespective of its origin serve to reveal the Absolute Truth that is beyond good and bad, as well as All concepts of Duality

This Truth is not a special knowledge to be gained, but is already fully present, very much like the emptiness all around us and containing us. In accumulating worldly knowledge [forbidden fruit] since we are infants, we lost sight of our basic nature as Omnipresent Awareness and dwell in a hallucination called Life, ignoring the very Truth that sustain All beings and the Universe.

All religious texts are skillful way to wake us up from the dream of Samsara and weaned us off from the wrong views that arises from ingesting the forbidden fruit.[All worldly knowledge]