Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Is there Judgment waiting ?

For the many who embrace the Truth of 'Thy will be done', how are these people to accept the concept of a future judgment. Assuming God to be the judge, then God will be judging God's own action as all events that unfold are in accord with His will.
Going by the teaching of karma in Buddhism and Hinduism, our coming into this world is the Judgment itself.
With this lead, we seek confirmation from other part of the scripture and I came up with this one sentence that say it all. The scripture say ' For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of the Father' Now things start to clear up if one use the original meaning of the word 'sin' which is simply 'mistake'
I will further pad up the sentence for better clarity. It will now read as 'For All Have Mistaken Their Bodies As Them selves and Fall Short Of Their True Identity as The Omnipresent Awareness'  If in this lifetime we commit the same mistake of identifying with the flesh, we miss the salvation of being reborn into the Spirit. {refer to the conversation Lord Jesus have with Nicodemus ]. That is we no longer overlook our True identity as Awareness [ Christ consciousness or 8th consciousness in Yogachara Buddhism]